About Me

About Me

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Hey, I’m Jay! 👋

I write essays and grow startups.

🙋🏻‍♂️ My Background

In March 2023, I cold-emailed the CEO of my favorite startup. I thanked him for his work and then pitched ways I could help grow the company.
3 months later, I was hired as a growth marketing intern. Since then, I’ve helped and observed Tyler Denk and the beehiiv team raise a $12.5M series A, grow to 150k+ users, and reach $5M in ARR.
Before that cold email, I curated what I like to call a “portfolio of unique experiences online”. I grew multiple YouTube channels to 15k+ subscribers, grew an Instagram page to 120k+ followers then sold it, and created and marketed several digital products (all while balancing high school and sports).
Nowadays, I write essays on my personal blog and grow tech startups.

About Me

  • Grew an Instagram page to 120k followers then sold it (1 exit? 🤔)
  • Grew multiple YouTube music promotion channels (when I was 15)
  • Wrote, published, and marketed the Instagram Playbook e-book
  • Developed and marketed the Content Multiplication System course
  • Grew and sold the Newsletter Nerd newsletter (2nd exit? 🤔)

What I’m Doing Now

  • Writing essays and tweets about startups, entrepreneurship, and life.
  • Content Strategist for Z Fellows - a startup activator that lowers friction to start a company.
  • Growing Perch - a tech startup dedicated to helping experts share their knowledge with their audience
  • Building the Startup Archive - a library of timeless wisdom from the world’s best founders and investors
Last updated 11/03/203

🤔 Questions

A weird hobby of mine: I collect questions like my friends collect sneakers.
Here are a few questions on my mind…
  • Opportunity Cost - What am I saying no to by saying yes to this opportunity?
  • Second-Order Effects - What are the second and third-order effects of this decision?
  • Fluid Beliefs - What have I been wrong about lately?
  • Alignment - Are the results I’m expecting aligned with the habits I am following each day?
  • Presence - Is taking things so seriously improving my performance? How can today feel like play?
  • Think Bigger - How can I complete my 2-year goal in the next 3 months?
  • Positioning - How can I stack the odds in my favor?
See my full questions database here.
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